Lesson: Read and write
Function: Peole’s likes and dislikes. describing personality.
Notions: but , and , because ,…
Tenses :: The Present Simple tense.
Lexical Items: Adjectives describing personalty,
Visual aids : pictures , textbooks.
Objective: seeking for information about people’s personalities , interests , likes & dislikes .
Writing a short paragraph of description.


Warm up:
Teacher shows apicture of a fortune teller :
Today, I tell you a true story about a man. He had a problem with his wife who didn’t have any children.He went to a fortune teller to ask about a cause. The fortune teller told him that he would have a baby in a year. Unfortunately , his wife died amonth later. NOONE could wnow the future except ALLAH.

Step one: Theme
Teacher shows a picture of a palmist.
In Europe , when people have any problem , they go to a palmist who is a person that tells the future and describes your personality. He usually examines the hand of his visitor , …

Step two Whilereading Phase
1/ -Teacher asks PP to read the text on page 19 and tell him the expressions describing personality , physical appearance , likes and dislikes ,..

2/ -Read the thirsd text and tell me why people like your patner :
- Because he always says good things.
3/ An expression in the text explains the word ( cheerful ), what is it ?
- You like jokes , parties , and loud music.
Which adjective is POSITIVE or NEGATIVE in the sentences.

1/Complete the following sentence :
« Noone is perfect »
- My partner is messy but he works hard.
- My partner is intelligent and he likes helping everyone.
- ( nervy / speaks politely )
- (brave and / tells the truth )
- (Teacher / severe / helpful )
- ( Sister /lazy / makes delicious meals )

2/What sort of person you are ?
Write a short paragaraph starting with : ‘ I am not perfect ….’