Internet is a network computers in the world have approached each other without any official censorship has become today a way to communicate by e-mail for example, between Internet users in Jerusalem and among Internet users in San Francisco in the United States, for example. There is great benefit is the ability of an institution or company in any country in the world to view their information and their products so that any user of the Internet in the world have access to this information but also to transfer the information he needs to his machine, and this information shown may be renewed every day but every hour, and this is what called Wide Web World Wide Web, in short www.

How to link to the Internet:

Can the ordinary citizen who has a computer with a modem (a device that connects computer line telephone) can communicate on line and the local cost of a local call that is linked to the Internet if it was related to how much the phone with someone else. The pay is the price of a local call in addition to a monthly fee. There are several local companies provide Internet connectivity service.

Some benefits of the Internet:

Use email to send messages and files to a person or several people within seconds around the world and a reply within seconds.
View information about the persons or institutions for commercial purposes or other purposes, so can be seen around the world (this is called the establishment of Web pages on public or private) and communication with existing and communicate with them. And in another the possibility of the display of goods and services to citizens throughout the world for example, WOMEX company was trying to attract companies in the field of ceramics that display images of their products on the Internet.
Site configuration (such as an information panel) Bulletin Board so that it contains topics for Anagas and anyone can put your response on any of the topics at hand or put a new topic for discussion.
Configure the ******** of the conversation so that China Chat discuss several individuals around the world simultaneously.
To obtain information required for research example of a computer magazine Byte and widespread in the world allow you the opportunity to free access to all articles written in 1993 and until this moment
The ability to search online for certain goods for example, you can download for free from the download catalog full component of 60 pages for computers
A degree as high as bachelor's or master's online degree on line / universities
Facilitate access to information about companies or individuals even on the area of Palestine and the only such project of Bir Zeit University in cooperation with the company Balent to configure the directory white pages of internet subscribers in Palestine where the information is added and deleted for individuals and companies not in the year once, but simultaneously every day, every hour, www / marhaba
Reload this awareness of a university student and a private citizen generally in their respective fields on trends in the global market such as China the current knowledge of goods that have proven their quality in the global market and the current prices, for example spare computer can be accessed via the Internet to the site of the U.S. company Computer Zone and see the exact specifications Djemba for goods with prices, but can be ordered immediately.
Sign up for free e-journals via e-Alalknroni Mailing list for all areas of academic life and non-academic on the other side ease the delivery of certain information to a number of participants. For example, can easily subscribe to Microsoft's e-magazine and access to valuable information on the latest developments in basic computer programs.
send e-mail to - البريد الإلكتروني حذف من قبل الإدارة (غير مسموح بكتابة البريد) - with words SUBSCRIBE TO WINNEWS
Broadening the scope of the student and the student, and configure the universal spirit by encouraging him to engage in intellectual and academic competitions with students from other countries such as the competition among the students in the world from the age of 12-18 and sponsored by the American Foundation
Facilitate the possibilities of cooperation between individuals and institutions in one nation in the world. For example, can form a mailing list or the News List of students in the Biology Department, Faculty of Science of Abu Dis and the Biology Department at the Islamic University in Gaza Bel and the Biology Department at the University of Aleppo, or Stanford University, USA.
Communication through the Internet Telephone in America, for example and the provision of taxi connection where cost is a local call to a taxi service company Alokthermthel or You can also use the Internet to send text messages to any mobile phone in the world, such as service company
The Internet is a huge leap in importance *****alent to the invention of printing or phone in their ability to link individuals and groups to each other at the level of the world and rightly so, the world became a small village.