
هو ككل الأدوية الأفيونية

وإن كان مركباً صنعياً

ويمتاز عن غيره
بأن الإدمان الجسدي أشد من غيره

فيمكن اللجوء للطرق التقليدية
ونسبة نجاحها

أو اللجوء إلى المعالجة

أي تخدير المريض تقريباً
لأيام في مشفى
تحت إشراف طبي

حتى ينتهي
من مشكلة الإدمان الجسدي
وسورات الرغبة في المخدر

ويبقى الإدمان النفسي
ويحتاج لرعاية اجتماعية
وتغيرات سلوكية

ومنها تغيير الأصدقاء
ووجود هوايات نافعة
وزيادة التوجه الديني الرادع عموماً

-----------Traditional drug rehab treatment methods for Tramadol addiction - talk therapy along with medicinal treatment to lessen the pain of withdrawal - often have less than 10% success rates after the first year due to Tramadol's powerful, physically addictive properties.
An advanced rapid drug treatment method of Tramadol detox is the Accelerated Neuro-Regulation (ANR) which provides the highest success rate in the field of opiate dependency in the last decade. ANR, also known as the Waismann Methodsm of Rapid Detox, treats Tramadol addiction as a physical disease that can be overcome with advanced medical techniques.

The Tramadol detox treatment is performed in a full service hospital under the strict supervision of one of our medical directors. You are followed every step of the way from admission to release, and are assisted in creating a plan for remaining opiate-free once you complete your Tramadol detox.
During Tramadol detox using ANR or the Waismann Methodsm, the body's opiate receptors are cleansed of opiates while the patient is anaesthetized and asleep. The goal is to rid the body of physical addiction: the patient literally sleeps through physical withdrawal. ANR eliminates the cravings that often accompany traditional opiate detox treatments.
The Waismann Methodsm allows most patients to return to a productive life in a matter of days and eliminates the need to spend months in hospitals or rehab programs