"must be"," can't be"and"shouldn't be" are pronounced. Cross out the wrong transcriptions.
 Aims of activity three:
1) To recognize how modals are pronounced in the negative form.
2) To improve students’ pronunciation of specific language forms.
 Answers to activity three.
- Plants must be protected. /m sbI:/.
- They can’t be replaced by man-made converters. /k :mbI:/.
- They shouldn’t be cut down. / mbI:/.

 Your turn (page 67).
 Activity One: Turn the sentences below into the passive. Then read them aloud paying attention to the pronunciation of the modals.
 Aims of activity one:
1) To recognize and practise the passive with modals.
2) To improve pupils pronouncing capacities by pronouncing the modals: mustn't, shouldn't, should, can and may correctly.
 Answers to activity one:
a. We mustn’t hunt animals in danger of extinction.
a/1)- Animals in danger of extinction mustn’t be hunted.
b. We shouldn’t throw recyclable objects.
b/1)- Recyclable objects shouldn’t thrown away.
c. We should stop desertification.
c/1)- Desertification should be stopped.
d. We can divide pollution into four types.
d/1)- Pollution can be divided into four types.
e. We may group alternative energies in five categories: wind, solar, biomass and hydro-electric.
e/1)- Alternative energies may be grouped in five categories.
f. We must protect our human resources.
f/1)- Human resources must be protected.